We all tend to focus most of our Christmas decorations on our living rooms, but as life really revolves around the kitchen, why not save some tinsel and lights for heart of the home?
Add a Christmas tree
If you've got space in your kitchen, why not see if you can fit in an extra Christmas tree? You're always popping in and out of the kitchen, and a tree that's twinkling with lights and baubles will cheer you through the chores this festive season. An artificial one is probably best. And will save you from to clearing up pine needles in a room where there's already enough to do!
Fairy lights
No space for a tree in the kitchen? No problem! Get a couple of extra strings of fairy lights and drape them along the top of your wall cabinets, along windowsills or around window frames. Softly-glittering fairy lights will make getting up in dark winter mornings that little bit easier. Tinsel hung around the room, or a garland around your window will also make the room look cheerful and festive.
Window decorations
Hang small tree decorations, a festive wreath or a curtain of fairy lights in your kitchen window, to give yourself a Christmassy view. Alternatively, give yourself a white Christmas by fixing snowflake stickers to the windows. Or perhaps a string of icicle decorations. Or even some fake snow on the windowsill.
The holly & the ivy
Keep it natural by bringing some of the outside in. On your next bracing winter walk, cut some sprigs of holly, ivy and mistletoe. Display them on windowsills, mantelpieces, or in vases.
Leftover decorations in vases & jars
If you're anything like us, you've probably gathered an eclectic collection of Christmas decorations over the years. Once you've done the tree, don't consign leftover baubles to their boxes and forget about them. If you've got any large glass jars or vases, pop them in there and put them on show.
Edible decorations
These spicy tree biscuits will make your kitchen smell festive and keep youngsters occupied once the Christmas holidays begin. Older children can get involved with the baking, and little ones can help decorate them. The biggest challenge will be not eating them before they make it to the Christmas tree!