Today we’re talking kitchen decor tips with Angie from Of Life and Lemons. Angie produces bold and witty kitchen prints and tea towels – and balancing her design business with looking after two young children, she’s the perfect person to ask about how to quickly and easily refresh your kitchen’s look!
What are your top tips to update your kitchen’s look?
"I really struggle when it comes to homewares as one half of me loves the Scandinavian minimalist look while the other half adores big, bold retro patterns.
We are hoping to extend our house shortly and we will be completely re-doing our kitchen. I've been using Pinterest to collate all of my favourite looks and the kitchen board is currently a sea of whites and greys.
But I will most definitely be bringing in colour through sets of brightly patterned tea caddies and utensil holders, open shelves full of colourful retro crockery and a bright enamel kettle.
Refreshing your accessories can completely change the feel of the room and bring in new colours without having to do any major decorating. It's an area you can really have fun with and it's an inexpensive way of experimenting with your kitchen.
I've loved the recent Orla Kiely for Douwe Egberts jars - and it's been a good excuse to drink more coffee!"
How can you use prints creatively in your kitchen?
"A large part of your day can be spent in the kitchen and for a lot of it you'd rather be somewhere else!
Having two young children, I seem to always be in the kitchen preparing food and it's important to me that the kitchen is as fun and stylish as the rest of the house.
You wouldn't hesitate to use prints as decor in another room and I don't see why the kitchen should be any different. I started out designing prints around fun sayings and quotes about tea, coffee and wine (mainly because I'd just had my first child and they were the only things keeping me going!), but also because I strongly believe in kitchens having a sense of fun.
Prints can also be used to separate the different areas of the room, especially as more and more people are opting for the more open plan style kitchen.
I am currently in the throes of moving my business out of my home into a studio. In the kitchen area above the kettle I have my 'Given enough coffee I could rule the world' print, justifying ANOTHER coffee break!"
What inspires you to create your prints?
"I used to work for the fine art publishing company The Art Group as a researcher. For ten years I got to travel the world looking for up and coming artists, photographers, and illustrators while visiting amazing galleries and archives.
During this time I met so many talented artists who set themselves up working from home around their children and it seemed like the perfect lifestyle. Towards the end I found myself becoming increasingly envious of these artists, so when I left to have my first child I decided to have a go at starting something myself.
I actually did a painting degree and had no grounding in digital art but time was of the essence having a newborn and I found it quicker and easier to create something on the computer during nap times!
There was also a strong emergence of typographic art at the time and I discovered it was something I had a real interest in. I came across the quote 'Given enough coffee I could rule the world' and it seemed so apt considering my situation with a newborn that it became my starting point.
Of Life & Lemons grew from there and I continued to source phrases and quotes around everyday life. My inspiration is the mundane. I love taking something really ordinary used in everyday life and changing its meaning with a quote, recently I have been working with train tickets and road signs and making them meaningful or humorous. "
You can find Angie’s designs as prints, tea towels and more on her website.
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