As we saw last week there are a number of things which are worthwhile thinking about before you decide to buy new replacement kitchen doors. Today, we will be looking at another six reasons to carefully consider your purchase. You already know that buying replacement kitchen doors makes good sense, but the following tips might make you think of other aspects as well.
Unit ends
It isn't until your cupboard doors are in place that you realise that the ends of your units no longer match. In some cases they may have been covered with an end panel in the same material as your previous cupboards or they may have been painted in a complimentary colour. Either way, you need to replace these at the same time you get your kitchen cupboards.
You have a number of options including matching panels, self-adhesive vinyl or even a full unit which is designed for display purposes. In larger kitchens where there are spaces at the end of the kitchen units, end panels of some description are essential.
New plinths
Most of us us fail to think about the plinths on our kitchen units until we are level with them when cleaning the floor. At this time you might realise just how damaged and dirty they become over time. It would be a shame to replace your kitchen doors without also replacing the plinths.
You can opt for plinths which match your new units or even a contrasting colour for a different look.
The final finish
The best tips here is to choose a kitchen door finish which matches your needs. If you have children or pets, you need something which will not show marks or is easy to clean such as satin or woodgrain.
Remember that colour in your kitchen looks great as long as it is still fashionable. Unless you are willing to change your kitchen often you should choose a colour which will last the test of time. This doesn't mean you can't choose a finish which is modern, but make sure your choice reflects you and your needs.
Current colours
Remember that you are replacing your kitchen cupboard doors and perhaps your worktop only. You are not changing your tiles or furnishings and you may not be repainting. So your choice of door colour needs to match your current colour scheme. This highlights the benefits of getting a colour sample.
Top tips - if you want to get new tiles, flooring, worktops and wall paint, you may as well have gotten an entirely new kitchen!
Be realistic
As great as new cupboard doors are, they are not going to make up for units which are damaged, falling apart, water marked or just plain wonky. You may have to splash out on some new units to make your kitchen look its best.
Replacement kitchen doors can do much to improve your kitchen but the basic structural bare bones need to be in place first. Make sure you kitchen is up to a revamp before you try.
New sink
It may seem that you have already replaced everything in your kitchen “but the kitchen sink”, but now may actually be the right time. In fact, if you are buying a new worktop now, you should get a new sink to match it.
Your worktop will have to be cut to fit your sink and if you decide to replace the sink at a later date, you may not find one which will exactly match the hole you cut. Sinks do not come in standard sizes, so you could be left with a sink you do not want in the long term, just because you chose to wait at this stage.
So, there you have it. The 12 top tips for when you are buying replacement kitchen doors. Hopefully these will help you to make the best decisions and get the results you are looking for.