A replacement kitchen door company has noticed an interesting new trend in the sale of its products, following its busiest ever month. Kitchen Door Workshop, based in East Sussex, sold a record number of coloured kitchen doors this summer as homeowners moved away from ‘safe’ magnolia and white when replacing their kitchen doors and drawer fronts.
Colour pop replacement kitchen doors in zesty hues such as bright orange, sunshine saffron, flamboyant raspberry and sultry aubergine have been flying out of the workshop, marking a turning point for the DIY industry as a whole. The firm believes the bolder choices and statement shades point to a sea change in the attitude of homeowners.
Robert Clark, managing director of Kitchen Door Workshop said, “Previously, products such as the made to measure Cambio replacement kitchen doors were chosen in neutral shades like sand or magnolia but now, sassy alternatives are enjoying their moment in the spotlight. We’ve noticed a record sales run on coloured replacement kitchen doors and drawer fronts and suspect this can be put down to the fact that more and more homeowners are deciding to stay put.
“Rather than ordering their replacement kitchen doors in plain colours so as to present a blank canvas to potential buyers, the more colourful products we stock are a sign that the For Sale boards are being taken down and instead, the owners have decided to create a space they can live in and enjoy, that really reflects their personality and tastes.”
New research published this month by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Rics) backs up this theory. It says estate agents endured their worst period in two years in the three months up to August, selling an average of just 14 homes apiece. With house prices also reaching record lows, it makes greater financial sense to stay put and with this decision comes the freedom to introduce personal style rather than stick to the neutral colours most buyers prefer.
Kitchen Door Workshop specialises in made-to-measure replacement kitchen doors and draw fronts. It has a choice of more than 800 coloured doors in a number of finishes. Prices start from £6.50. To find out more and to order online, visit https://www.kitchendoorworkshop.co.uk or call 01825 765041.