When people talk about updating or improving their kitchen, they often say that they want a kitchen which will cause their friends to say “Wow!” the minute they walk through the door. But who are you really trying to impress? Is it your individuality you want on display or do you want a kitchen which is conventional, but which looks amazing? With replacement kitchen doors you can achieve both and the comments you will get will always be positive.

Wardrobe doors in Denim Blue
Get an instant "wow" kitchen with this red shade from Visions

Style is a matter of taste. It is about expressing yourself through colour, shape and form and this is more important in the kitchen than anywhere. Your kitchen needs to be a practical part of the home where you cook, socialise and generally enjoy being. However, if you let your concept of style get a little carried away, that practical necessity might just disappear – leaving you with an amazing looking kitchen which doesn't meet your needs.

So you have two choices – either go for something conventional which really works well as the perfect kitchen for you or branch out and take a risk – knowing that the end result may not be to everyone's taste. For this last option there may be some compromises, but they are certainly worth it.

The traditional/conventional kitchen

A beautiful kitchen using replacement kitchen cabinet doors is easy to achieve. These days the kitchen magazines are full of country style kitchens with planked or Shaker style kitchen cabinet doors. The colour is light such as cream, vanilla, ivory or possibly traditional woods such as oak. The addition of plain wooden knobs adds further charm to this style of kitchen.

The benefits of a more traditional style are many. You have a kitchen which will last a lifetime in terms of style. It will never date and will always look great. If you go for lighter colours, your kitchen will look bright airy and welcoming. You could really get into the spirit of the country style and use a butler sink, Aga and stone floors to create a look which is both timeless and stunning.

A traditional kitchen is ideal if you think you may wish to sell your home in the future and you feel that a more conventional look is what is needed to appeal to a mass market. Your kitchen will still have the Wow factor, but it might just be a contented and satisfied “wow”!

The unconventional kitchen

Some of us were born to be different and when it comes to our homes we choose to express that difference through our furnishings, the style and the colours we use. A more contemporary kitchen, where the personality of the owner shines through may not be to everyone's taste, but it certainly will raise some eyebrows and get people talking.

A modern interpretation of the unconventional style can be achieved through using high gloss replacement doors. This style adds an instant modern twist and immediately lifts a kitchen from boring and into the interesting category. High gloss is super stylish and despite its contemporary feel, it is a look which will last. Choose a door which is sleek and handleless and you have the perfect super modern and minimalist look.

If you are a lover of mixing up colour options, you can also choose a selection of colours or even one of our paintable vinyl doors and get exactly the mix of colours you want. Try something bright or daring like Aubergine on the lower cabinets and add white to the upper ones. Or choose your favourite colours and paint the doors yourself. You could go all retro with pinks and pale blues or highly modern and bright with lime greens and oranges.

One of the joys of replacement kitchen doors is the fact that they are inexpensive enough for you to consider changing them more often. So even if you grow to dislike the look you have chosen you can always change them in just a few days. Not that you will need to as the doors will remain looking great year after year.