News, Tips & Articles from Kitchen Door Workshop

  1. Excellent website

    What do you think about our website? excellent How does our website compare with others you have visited? v good Did you find everthing that you were looking for today? yes If you were the boss, what would you do to improve the customer service experience? efficient delivery and communication Any other comments / suggestions? […]

  2. Easy to Follow

    What do you like about our replacement kitchen doors website? Easy to Follow What could we do to improve the Kitchen Door Workshop website? Nothing How does our website compare with other replacement kitchen door websites you have visited? Much easier as I am not computer literate What do you think about our cupboard doors […]

  3. Excellent range of cupboard doors

    What do you like about our replacement kitchen doors website? ease of access What could we do to improve the Kitchen Door Workshop website? How does our website compare with other replacement kitchen door websites you have visited? as good as any What do you think about our cupboard doors range? seems excellent Did you […]

  4. Good Prices!

    What do you like about our replacement kitchen doors website? very well laid out What could we do to improve the Kitchen Door Workshop website? nothing How does our website compare with other replacement kitchen door websites you have visited? very good What do you think about our cupboard doors range? extensive Did you find […]

  5. Great variety

    What do you like about our replacement kitchen doors website? great variety and ease of choosing what we need What could we do to improve the Kitchen Door Workshop website? How does our website compare with other replacement kitchen door websites you have visited? much better and has a great variety of accessories to match […]

  6. Excellent website

    What do you like about our website? Excellent What could we do to improve our website? Nothing How does our website compare with similar ones you have visited? Excellent What do you think about our product range? Excellent Did you find everthing that you were looking for today? Yes Any other comments / suggestions? Name […]

  7. So far easy to manoevre

    What do you like about our replacement kitchen doors website? So far easy to manoevre What could we do to improve the Kitchen Door Workshop website? Up closer photos of units How does our website compare with other replacement kitchen door websites you have visited? Better than some of the others and easier to move […]

  8. Kitchen Door Workshop site by far the best!

    What do you like about our website? Website and layout of styles and colours very good. Door pricelist easy to calculate prices. What could we do to improve our website? Should really have prices of all accessories, such as hinges/hardware, and especially all matching accessories such as corner posts, pelmets, edging tape, cornices, end panels, […]

  9. very informative

    What do you like about our replacement kitchen doors website? very informative What could we do to improve the Kitchen Door Workshop website? instant quote facility How does our website compare with other replacement kitchen door websites you have visited? N/A What do you think about our cupboard doors range? excellent Did you find everthing […]

  10. Very good..loads to choose from

    What do you like about our replacement kitchen doors website? its so easy to understand & easy to use What could we do to improve the Kitchen Door Workshop website? i think its fine as it is How does our website compare with other replacement kitchen door websites you have visited? a lot better What […]

Items 371 to 380 of 397 total
